
CAMPO NEWs From Taipei Times

This is the way the carnival ends: with a bang

Today’s anniversary party in Ximending will be the last monthly event staged by the coalition of artists behind the Campo Life Art Carnival
By Alita Rickards
Saturday, Jul 26, 2008

After three years of organizing free outdoor parties showcasing local DJs and artists, Campo Life Art Carnival (CAMPO生活藝術狂歡節) is going out with a bang today in Ximending (西門町). Organizers of the street fair/outdoor party have planned an afternoon and evening of film, music and the chance to meet local artisans and performers.

The 3rd annual anniversary party for Campo — Cinema Art Music People Originality — marks the closing of a chapter for the group. Organizers are postponing their monthly events after this weekend’s party because of lack of funding. They will, however, maintain their Web sites and they intend to continue to stage annual bashes and other “spontaneous” events.

Campo was formed as a local coalition of artists in 2005. Its members wanted people in Taiwan to turn off their televisions and get out of their houses to attend daytime parties. Founder Lin Hsin-yi (林欣儀) said in an interview on Monday that when she turned 27 she told herself, “You should start doing something you really like.” Monthly flea markets, featuring hand crafted and second-hand goods, with free performances by DJs, merged art and music and brought like-minded people together.

At the parties, DJs from Species Records — cofounders of the event — and other scheduled turntablists would play, but the decks would be open: anyone who wanted to spin could have a turn.

This afternoon’s party with live bands and DJs in Ximending Cinema Park (西門町電影公園) is free and is followed by an evening of dancing at Paris Night Club. Performances include music by Taimaica Soundsystem (台買加環繞音效), which will be playing a second set later, Monkey Pilot (猴子飛行員), and electronica doyen Lim Giong (林強).

“Simple Is Beauty,” a show Lim started in 2007, “is mainly put together with Hou Hsiao-hsien’s (侯孝賢) classic film clips and Lim’s live music,” said Lin. “By rearrang[ing] and remixing both the video clips and the music, Lim is going to give you another take on the films.”

There will also be a game show-type contest. Starting at 3:45pm, 10 contestants will undergo makeovers with the help of independent clothing designers and stylists and will compete for the title of the Superstar of Cinema Square.

A Campo documentary (短片放映), and the short film Chicken Soup (雞湯) by director Chung Wai Kit (鍾偉杰) will show from 8pm to 8:30pm. The documentary is a work in progress, as footage from today’s event will be added later.

Chicken Soup is about a young man contemplating, through flashbacks and flashforwards, whether he lived his life the way he wanted to. Lin said the film deals with “remembering the valuable things in life.” Originally, Campo was hired by XXX-TV to make the film. Lin said that despite “contracts being signed and script approved,” XXX-TV later decided during shooting that it wanted to “change certain details about the script to make it more dramatic — making the chicken soup have some sort of magical healing powers.” Lin said they refused to “change a good script into some melodramatic soap opera,” so XXX-TV pulled funding, “making up some excuse [that] ‘the script will never pass the board.’”

Lin said she and other Campo members “decided to pay out of our own pockets to finish the film and hope that showing the film will help [attract] attention to this issue.”

DVDs of the short will be sold during the screening.

New Hong Kong Hair City is scheduled to kick off the evening’s entertainment at the nearby Paris nightclub at 8:30pm. The schedule is ambitious: live bands and DJs alternate until 1am, with DJs spinning 20 minute sets and bands playing for 40 minutes each. Acts include DJs Keith, Hsin, Kay, and Poverty, with live bands Public Radio and Johnny Fatstacks, which will be screening its new video. The live bands stop at 1am, after which DJs BB (我的生活), Coffeepot and Arthur (阿舌) will do their thing until 3am. The dress code is vintage: expect to see hip artsy types decked out in original fashions.

post from Taipei Times



12.30-31 大家避寒去=> 因為我們深切了解 足跡所踏過的每一個城市 不僅僅是賣東西 而是與各地文化 產生新的撞擊 明鄭以來,鳳山市有三百多年的開發歷史,曾經是清朝鳳山縣縣署所在地,設有城池,為南臺灣古邑之一。鳳山市文風鼎盛,清代「鳳儀書院」內設有童試考棚,一直是南臺灣的文化重鎮,也是緊扼南臺灣陸地的要衝,陸軍官校在本市設校,即考量歷史上的軍事地位。農業時代,境內「曹公圳」渠道密佈,一直是南台灣的重要米糧產區,早期以農立縣,奠定鳳山市富庶繁榮的基礎。鳳山市為高雄縣縣治所地,因而 為 本縣 政治、經濟、工業、商業、金融、文化中心。 一、 曹公廟—澤惠斯民、萬世流芳 臨鳳山市公所的主要道路名為「曹公路」,全長約六百公尺,路名的由來,是為紀念清朝一位偉大的水利專家,也是一位愛民如子的知縣─曹謹。相傳他利用開鑿水圳的方法引取高屏溪水,讓鳳山縣內農田得以種植作物,後代子孫為感念他對地方百姓的付出,特別立「曹公祠」祭祀,民國八十一年間,民間相傳玉皇大帝降旨將曹公祠升格為曹公廟,信眾遂改奉曹公神像,並正式改稱為「曹公廟」。此外,曹公國小也是因紀念曹謹而命名的。 http://www.fengshan.gov.tw/about/trace_01.htm 二、 鳳儀書院—有鳳來儀、文風鼎盛 鳳儀書院於民國七十四年被指定為第三級古蹟,位於鳳山市鳳崗里城隍廟邊。鳳儀書院創建於嘉慶十九年(西元一八一四年),當時是由知縣吳性承發動捐款、捐地, 再由候選訓導歲貢生張廷欽所建,院中總共有房間三十七間。之所以稱為書院,主要是有別於一般學校的另一種教育系統,就如同現今的私立學校。 鳳儀書院中有許多相當特別的建築景觀.例如:在書院大門前是一堵照壁,猶如現今的屏風設計。此外,正門兩旁的鼓石及附著其上的兩條龍等,均顯示了鳳儀書院當初建築設計時的考究及用心。目前高雄縣政府已將鳳儀書院列入優先整修古蹟名單,將先解決違建戶佔用的問題,相信 不久的將來。鳳儀書院昔日的風采將再度展現。 http://www.fengshan.gov.tw/about/trace_02.htm 三、 城隍廟—不是不報、時候未到 鳳山城隍廟位於曹公國小後方,鳳儀書院西側,建於嘉慶五年(西元一八○○年),較舊城興建晚了十二年(西元一七八八年)。在縣署遷到新城後,地方自然也需要一座城隍廟,俾與知縣分管陰陽兩界。至咸豐九年,歲貢

操場 the Fucking Place

美好時光 beautiful time - BMONK 操場 the Fucking Place 「今天晚上要去操場嗎?(You wanna go to the Fucking Place , tonight?)」,「 什麼?(What?)」是大家一致的反應,到底是什麼樣的地方,直接的店名,大部分朋友一聽到這家店名會連想學生時代的操場,外國人聽到常常一副不敢相信的誇張表情,以為是什麼特別有關fxxking的祕密地方, 這是一家座落於和平東路二段的酒吧,藏身在一棟舊房子的二樓,“操場“的招牌混雜在一排高高低低的壓克力燈箱裡,每天晚上當路上的店家紛紛準備打烊,這時,“操場“才正要開始亮起。 操場,就是原來的墳場,1995年剛開時店名為「後現代墳場」,有一年因為颱風的關係把“後現代“三個字吹掉,這個地方就變成墳場,出入一些電影人,音樂人,還有一些搞文化的,寫小說的等等,1999年阿舌(早期MTV台製作人)將店頂下後由一群愛好音樂的朋友共同經營,幾番轉手,酒客變成老闆,2005年整修後改名為「操場 the Fucking Place」,現在的老闆群有阿舌、小豐(電影製作人)、張震(演員)及張震嶽(歌星)等, 簡單暗色系沙發,昏黃發亮的吧台酒櫃, 這裡沒有特定的形, 木頭的屋頂洩漏出建築的年齡,10幾年了, 人及音樂讓操場面貌變化多端, 經歷四千多個日子,不知孕育出多少愛恨情愁及故事? 上萬首歌曲曾經在這裡播放過,每首歌背都可能有一個屬於你我的故事,專業吧台替每個夜晚調製不同的氣氛,操場的魅力就在於每一刻都單獨存在,無法預知接下來的夜晚會蹦出什麼故事。 第一次到這家酒吧應該是在1998年吧,當我還是大學生的時候,喜歡那裡的音樂,常常因為聽到DJ放到一首自己喜歡的歌興奮不已,還有可在那看到當時我很喜歡的魔岩歌手,常常一群人週末相約聚集墳場,大學畢業後,朋友各分東西也就幾乎沒再去了,直到2007年,與一群好朋友剛結束在紅氣球酒吧的工作,還對酒吧氛圍懷念不已,我們就常常在星期三聚集操場,那裡的真實,不嬌柔作態,讓我自在的享受夜晚的氣氛與音樂。 操場的夜生活,等著你來挖掘,不管你是一個人想找個地方逃離現實,三五好友的小聚會,還是一群人的大party,準備好了就走進操場,享受生命。 相關資訊 操場 the Fucking Place 後現代墳場→墳場→操場 Rock DJ: [MO

BYEBYE 廣場萬人生活藝術狂歡節 CAMPO 3rd Anniversary

慶祝CAMPO三週年 CAMPO 3rd Anniversary BYEBYE廣場萬人生活藝術狂歡節 2008 : 廣場電影院 CINEMA LIVE PARTY 時間 地點 2008 年7月26日 下午三時至晚上九時 西門町電影公園 (台北市康定路19號) Time&Place 2008/07/26 15:00-21:00 Xim en Cinema Park ( No.19, Kang Ding Rd) 活動內容 content 1. 音樂 MUSIC - 獨立樂團音樂 INDIE BAND DJ SET   電影音樂表演 CINEMA REMIX。 2. 影像 VISUAL - 廣場影像展 Square Exhibition 短片放映 Short Films。 3. 遊戲 GAME - CAMPO GAME 造型改造 Style Create 。 4. 藝術 ART - 集體行為藝術 ACTION ART。 5. 服裝主題 DRESS CODE - 復古造型 Vintage Style。 6. 市集MARKET - 獨立品牌 Indie Brand 音樂 Music 電影 Cinema 獨立刊物 Indie Publications 二手交換買賣 second hand。 音樂表演介紹 MUSIC PERFORMANC E 林強 LIM GOING 侯孝賢電影 remix [簡單即美] Hou Hsiao-Hsien Cinema remix 林強用他最擅長的音樂,來說出對這塊土地及周遭人事物的想法,用獨樹一格的順暢旋律聲線來表現多層次的感知。如初春南國天空般的變幻多貌,多種層次的聲響與拍脈,在不同時空聆聽會得到截然不同的氣韻。用音樂營造一個多層次的文化想像空間,展現對這塊土地的熱愛與浩瀚華人文化孺慕的融合!一直是個很忠於自己的創作人,他的直率坦誠與勇於改變一路上也都沒有改變。春雷響起,草木方生。在電音帶來的驚蟄背後,他的音樂基底是充滿生活感的,雜揉了根源於這塊土地的歌謠與市井文化,草根的強韌活力,也反映了台灣多元文化的remix特性。林強總是在生命的每個轉角讓我們驚艷,在他的音樂裡我們找得到各自的角落,卻沒想到這些光影片段融合在聲音裡會是如此色彩斑斕。 Lim Giong is a musician , artist , DJ , comp