CAMPO is a day time event that brings a new dimension to Taiwan's party scene. Inspired by the idea of DJing, CAMPO hosts a flea market ,creative art, part art gallery with Djs playing from 12:00-20:00. it happens on every second saturday of the month in hsimenting, but because of its explosion in recent months (it reached 10,000 people for each events the last couple months), the event is now taking to the next level. On 4-29 CAMPO is going to shift the location to Living Mall. If you want something relaxing, something artsy and something refreshing, you should definitely come check out this event on 4-29th! SPECIES RECORDS presents CAMPO 生活藝術狂歡節@LIVING MALL CAMPO 全台巡迴第一場 2006.04.29/Sat/12:00-20:00 MUSIC 12:00-13:00 DJ big floor(country) 13:00-14:30 DJ Messefeect(abstract hiphop) 14:30-16:00 DJ Kaoru(breaks) 16:00-17:30 DJ Sandoz(house) 17:30-19:00 DJ Elvis (TECHNO)+USED SHOW 19:00-20:00 noise DJ(house) VISUAL VJ Big FloOr aka ViSuAlIzE/kevin/ART gallery Add.No.138, Sec. 4, Bade...